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Dancing Creatrix 

In the wake of Mother Earth as the Divine Feminine source of Creative Sacred power we are granted transformative knowledge that takes us to a higher level of consciousness and into a new era of peace and happiness.
When you discover the Creatrix of all Creation  weaving connections through your body and feel the same primordial pulse through the temples of the earth and her living waters then you are at the nexus of the planetary pulse and have activated the Chrystalline Creatrix within you. 
Working from a place of neutral space between your Divine feminine and Divine masculine energies you have set yourself free to unleash your beauty, your power, your authenticity, and your gifts into the world that can no longer condition you  but where you are free to magnify intentions of truth and transformation. 

     A New Chrystalline Reality

As a Creatrix you are clear on the Chrystalline future vision you are here to manifest, with the willingness

to embody the Goddess and her work in service with others of pure warrior heart and Spirit. 

Being in planetary service reweaving  the psyche for higher vibration aligned to the primal pulse of the planet.   


You know that when a few people gather with strong positive intentions magic happens.


You are invited to celebrate the Divine Feminine dance as an Initiatrix in rhythm with the beat of the Goddess and as a healer share your vision of a better future ~ perhaps you're ready to write your book, launch your business, attract your soul mate, manifest a new home, whatever it may be then this program is designed to get you energetically aligned so that you will call  in your dreams. 


Crystalline Grid Magic 

Our body is only as healthy as our cells and organs.  The likelihood of  human existence and human extinction currently hangs in a frail balance. Gaia teaches how to form a synergistic, self regulating and complex system so we can survive and regenerate. Ultimately our survival as a race is dependant on the darkness of ignorance disappearing and the radiance of mortals who live the true meaning of the Golden Age. 
Discover how Sacred Earth Energy Temples balance the  Chrystalline Grid magic. Discover how to root and harmonise yourself  to the pulse of the planetary life force and to uplift community consciousness. Discover what our ancestors taught us to respect the invisible forces of place for healing and balance and to discover new solutions to old problems through greater connection with nature and living in harmonious relationship with the Great Cosmic Creatrix.

The Wholeness of the Allness

When we allow Shakti life force energy to flow through us like a dance and a spiralling Golden vortex  we also allow for a flow through a rhythmical universe aligned to the Cosmic power that creates everything. Our superabundance is activated effortlessly and  we begin to attract prosperity, creativity,  the right people, we harmonise with our surroundings and we feel complete, we feel free, on purpose and are loved able to manifest our dreams attuned to our soul purpose. 

At some time in our lives there is a calling within to step away from a life out of balance and grief into a life of gratitude, true connection and belonging. When we have activated the inner forces of abundance within the cells of our crystalline essence we have re birthed all the essential elements of a life dedicated to living with Earth Mother, Living with Cosmic Mother and living your best self in absolute beauty and joy. 

For more on Ayurveda, Ancient Tradition, Inner Prosperity, Mala ~Mandala, Yoga, 
Nadis, Chakras, Chrsytalline Consciousness, Golden Era Join my online community 
Freedom Purpose Divine Kundalini




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Email: Nisha

whatsapp:(NZ) 022 681 4074



Copy Right @ 2021 Nisha K Joon



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